Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I can't Keep up....

I have 2 blogs, why I don't know. LoL
But I just can't keep up with them both.
So I am going to combine them together,
my Frugal Living Blog with my coupon Blog.

So come check out my other blog at:

Check it out, because right now I have a
Giveaway going on! Super Easy To Win!


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Haven't went shopping in days. . ..

Something must be wrong with me.
I haven't went shopping in days, and haven't even
had the urge to do so.
Honestly I think I might have gotten a little
coupon shopping burn out.

For July I am going to be trying to cut my grocery shopping
down from 4-5 days a week to 2-3 days a week.
Not only to save on gas due the rising prices.
But I always seem to be running around grabbing
deals, instead of tackling other things around the house
that need done.

I am going to use this Friday, July 4th
to sort, and organize ALL my coupons.
Hopefully I make it out alive. LoL

We are going to celebrate our 4th of July with
family & friends on Saturday.
An then of course we will be back to the flea market
on Sunday to sell lots of goodies and make lots
of money to get some more debt paid off.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Finished up June Monthly CVS Deals

It always seems like I am late to catch the boat with
certain deals lately. Just like this time with CVS monthly
June deals. Dh and I ran to 3 differant cvs stores,
did multiple transactions, and still was not able to
max out all the deals.

This is how we did overall with multiple transactions:
4 CVS Brand Bandaids
3 Brut Deodorant
2 CVS Brand 24pk Water
2 Pampers 48ct Diapers
5 Huggies Baby Wash
8 Small Fusion Shave Gel

Total ecb used: $39.93
Total ecb earned: $24.96
Total spent oop: $6.79

We did use more ecb then we earned.
Which is not how we normally do it.
But at least our out of pocket was low.

Bogo Lifesavers & Schick Refills

Wow it has been almost a week since I last posted.
Sorry about that.
Been so busy crazy with things here at the house.
an things still haven't slowed down a bit.

I feel so overwhelmed with running around,
tracking deals down, to make some extra cash at the flea market.
To help pay down as much debt as possiable this summer.
That I am going nuts.

I can't complain to much.
Since we really have scored some great deals
in the last week.

On Saturday we moved our indoor space
at the flea market to a larger area. $3 a more a week
but we have A TON more room to display and sell things now.

The weather was awful on Sunday so we didn't setup outside
and sell. We just were inside at our new booth and sold a TON!
We are now in a high traffic area, unlike before which helps.

Here are a few items I was able to pick up last night:

13 Oral B Floss ($1 Any Oral B Floss Coupon)
1 2pk Lava Bar Soap (Love this stuff)
Total oop: $ .57!

CVS (June 28th)

Benadryl Allergy 48ct $6.99
- $3 ecb
Total oop: $3.99
Needed due to an allergic reaction I had

CVS (June 29th - 3 Transactions)

Transaction 1:
2 Pepsi 12pk
2 Mt. Dew 12pks
- 4 x$1 Pepsi coupons
- $5 ecb coupon
Total oop: $3.49

Transaction 2:
2 Mt. Dew 12pk
2 Pepsi 12pk
4 Schick Intuition Plus 3pk Refill
1 Pysicians Formula Mascara
- 2 x $1 Pepsi coupons
- $1 coupon for Mascara
- 4 x $2 Schick Coupons
- $1.50 ecb coupon
- $11.97 ecb coupon
- $12 ecb coupon
Total: $5.58 (put on gift card given to us for Christmas)
Total oop: $0.00

Transaction 3:
2 Pepsi 12pks
2 Mt. Dew 12pks
40 Bags of LifeSavers (Reg, Gummy, and sugar free)
6 Schick Intuition Plus 3pk refills
- 3 x $1 Pepsi coupons
- 6 x $2 Schick Coupons
- 20 x $2.29 Life Saver Coupons
- $6 ecb coupon
- $13.96 ecb coupon
- $14.98 ecb coupon
Total: $2.70 (-.81 put on gift card)
Total oop: $1.89

July 29 Total spent out of pocket: $5.38!!!

We plan on reselling everything at the flea market
an putting the money towards our budget/debt.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Quick Coupon Run = FREE Wheat Thins

I know I am crazy. Most couponers are. LoL
A friend that lives near me, posted on HCW
that she had seen some of the new HOT coupons
at a local store for Free Kraft items.
An that she had left a bunch there.
As I am reading the thread about where she had
seen the coupons. The phone rings, and it is dh.
He is done with his second job, and ready to be picked up.
I am so full of excitement about the coupons being near
by, almost within my grasp, I stumble over my words with
him on the phone.
I hang up with him, jolt out the door even leaving the tv on,
to drive 2 miles down the road to pick him up.
Telling him about the coupons, and asking him if he
knew where the store in question was located.
(After living here 2+ years, I still don't know that area very well)
We looked up directions, and out the door we went again.
I was so thrilled to see not 1, but 2 tear pads of coupons!!!!
I took a bunch, but still leaving plenty for others.
We went and cruised some aisles checking some
prices on a few items. Along our aisle cruising,
I spotted some more awsome peelies, tearpads,
and hangtags.
We ended up getting:
3 Boxes of Jello (A Kraft product)
1 Family Size of Wheat Thins
Used one of the FREE Wheat Thins coupons
wyb 3 kraft products, and also had a coupon for Jello
Spent: $ .20! oop
Off to bed, to dream of coupons

WAGS Dixie Deal - No Coupons Needed!

I read today about a deal at WAGS (Walgreens) on Why ASK Why
It is for Dixie paper plates and bowls. The best part, you don't need
any coupons to do this deal, except for what can be found in the store.
(The B1G1 Coupon is in the weekly flyer, which can be found in the store
And the $3 coupon prints out at the register. Rinse & Repeat)

I never normally shop at WAGs simple because they never have anything
in stock to do the deals. Plus I can't wrap my brain around all the deals there.
But here is the info on the deal: (Good until 6/21/08)

I bought the Dixie Ultra plates that are on sale with the in-ad Walgreen's coupon B1G1 for $3.79.
A coupon printed for $3 off the purchase of 2 Dixie Ultra products.
I went back and bought two more B1G1 for $3.79
minus the $3 coupon and got them for $0.79+tax.
I, again, got another coupon and went back and did the
same deal 4 more times, getting the same printed coupon every time.
It is being reported that the Dixie Blue and White Ultra plates
22 count and bowls 28 count are the items working for this deal.
Someone also bought the regular Dixie saucers and they worked too!!
(Thanks to WAW for the info)

Here is how it worked for me:

2 Dixie Plates @ $3.79
2 Maalox Chrewables @ $3.99

Used the in-ad B1G1 Coupon for the Dixie Plates
Used 1 $2 Instore Monthly Maalox Coupon
Used 2 $2 Sunday Paper Maalox Coupon

Spent: $4.04 after coupons
I got a coupon for $3 off the purchase of 2 Dixie Ultra products

Repeated the deal using the $3/2 coupon with the B1G1 store coupon and got two more packages of plates for $1.06 OOP!

Rinse & Repeat, Rinse & Repeat until you have what you want,
or the shelfs are empty. LoL

I got a total of 8 Packages of the 16in 22count plates
Since that is all they had left. But I plan on stopping
by a couple differant WAGs tomorrow and Saturday
to see if they have more in stock.
Total Spent: $7.22
Want to see more Drugstore Savings? Visit the "Cent"sible Sawyer's Drugstore Divas!

You get what you pay for!

On Sunday while at the flea market, I was walking by
one of the regular sellers booths.
An saw that he had large packs of sponges for $1

I REALLY needed sponges. An with us trying to be frugal
I haven't bought any because they are so costly.
(I prefer them for washing pots and pans, and scrubbing the sink)

Well I figured how bad could they really be right?
So I bought 1 package of them.
Opened them up today and used one for washing a sink full of dishes.
Nothing more, thats it. Oh my goodness, they are so bad I
don't even want to give them away to someone else to use.
Not even worth free!

I of course went looking to see what company they are from.

Then I realized why not only they were so cheap,
but also why they were such poor quality. Urgh!
I normally don't buy things made in China.
I should have known better.
You surelly do get what you pay for.